How to Create a Department
We are excited to help you streamline your expense tracking and management with our latest feature. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a department, adding a head of department, and managing expenses specific to each department. Let’s Dive in!
To begin
Log into the Merchant Dashboard
Click on “Settings” on the dashboard menu
Click on “Team Members” and select “Department.
Click on “Create New Department” and a modal will show as shown below:
First, name your department. Then, add users to this department and assign a department head. If there are no users in the business yet, you can still create a department without adding users or assigning a head.
Once you have inputted the details on the page click “Create Department”
Note: You can also create a department when inviting a user, click here to learn how to
Great job! You have successfully created a Department.
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